Save Snippets, Keystrokes and Time with Snip-It Pro, the code library organizer designed to make developers, designers and database professionals more productive. Put your favorite queries, JavaScript functions, helper classes, CSS hacks, regular expressions, command line arguments, html blocks and other useful code you find online in one place... Snip-It Pro has two windows: the Snippet Toolbar, which docks to the side of your screen allowing you to drag and drop snippets to almost any application, and the Snippet Explorer which used to edit snippet details with syntax highlighting and printing support... Snip-It Pro lets you store snippets anywhere. Put them on a network share and your entire team can use the same snippet collections... Import and Export snippets and send collections of snippets as a single file... Save Time using templated code snippets. This feature allows you to define placeholders in your snippets, which can be easily replaced before use... Save keystrokes with global hot key support. You can assign frequently used snippets a global hot key which will insert your snippet into any application... Track snippet usage with automatic comments. This feature can automatically add comments in all supported languages above your snippet that indicate a unique searchable ID, a reference url, the current user and the date a snippet was used. When you copy snippets from the web, Snip-It Pro tracks the url where it came from... Snip-It Pro is integrated with Snipplr, an online community for sharing code snippets. With Snip-It Pro you can view your favorite snippets as well as publish snippets directly to Snipplr... Snip-It Pro monitors the windows clipboard... Search your snippet library using the built in search feature... Snip-It Pro supports syntax highlihting for many languages including: ASP, C#, C++, C, CSS, Batch, HTML, Java, JavaScript, JSP, Perl, PHP, Pascal, Python, SQL, VB, VB.Net, VB Script and more... Be more productive with Snip-It Pro.
Related Searches: snippet, snippets, code, organizer, text, manager, sharing, Snipplr, template, templates, copy, cut, paste, drag, drop, comment, tracking, source, organize, developer, tool, tools, snipet, snipit, library, productivity, search, hot, keys, snipets
Recent Changes: Snip-It Pro 2.5.1 adds a few usability features including the ability to set a default snippet category, right click context menus for all text fields, and a combo box title bar to make it easier to create multiple snippets.
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: English
Additional Requirements: .Net 2.0 or higher. Supports both 32 and 64 bit versions of Windows