Simple Bar Code Filer, a component of File by Barcode Suite, is a simple to use program that files documents by bar codes. The bar code is used as a unique identifier for the document and when processed the document is named the contents of the bar code so that it can easily be retrieved.
The program looks for up to two barcodes in a specified location on a tiff image, when found the file is separated, renamed the barcode contents and optionally converted to a PDF.
The program can be used to batch process invoices, work orders, personnel records, student records or any other structured document that can have a bar code placed on it.
For instance a check stub could have the check number and the vendor's number printed on it. When the stub is scanned all documents relating to the check would be placed after it. When processed the file is split when it finds the check stub, placed in the vendor's folder and named the check number.
Or if desired all the files could go into one folder and just named the check number. This principle of using one or two barcodes works on numerous document types.
If the file cannot have a barcode placed on it, a cover page with barcodes can be placed on top of the document; this cover page will be dropped from the output file.
For when a file already exists, Simple Barcode Filer can be set to automatically append or replace the existing file. If appending, the pages are added and a book mark is placed in the output PDF showing when it was appended.
The program has a monitor (watched folder) function making it ideal for use with a copier that scans to a file folder on a network. With this option the user can automatically rename files as it is running in the background.
Related Searches: Bar code Filing, Bar Code, Document Bar code, File by Bar code Number
Recent Changes: Included File by Barcode, Barcode Backfiler and support for Windows Seven
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: English
Additional Requirements: XP or 2000