Create Interactive Macromedia Flash Quizzes from PowerPoint easily with PowerQuizPoint. You can insert interactive Quiz slides directly into your PowerPoint presentations and Publish them to Macromedia Flash format. PowerQuizPoint is a convergence of power features in PowerPoint and Macromedia Flash. Flash Quizzes created with PowerQuizPoint is web ready and can be uploaded to online PowerPoint and e-Learning sharing portal SlideServe.com. All you have to do is just fill in the information (question text, choices, correct/incorrect response text), then click Insert Question and a fully functional PowerPoint Quiz Question will be inserted into your existing PowerPoint presentation which can be published in Flash format. With PowerQuizPoint PowerPoint to Quiz Publisher, corporate trainers and teaching professionals or anyone who wants to easily create quizzes can now create rich-media interactive Quiz in Flash format for online training. PowerQuizPoint is a revolutionary PowerPoint Quiz Maker which is based on the world's leading PowerPoint to Flash engine PowerFlashPoint.
Related Searches: quiz maker, quiz creator, create quiz, online quiz, quiz builder, flash quiz, quiz generator, quiz software, create flash quizzes, questionnaire, online assessment, questionnaire software, web survey, online survey software, training, free quiz tool
Recent Changes: Not Established
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: English
Additional Requirements: CPU Pentium III 860 MHz, RAM 512MB, Disk Space 1GB, Display SVGA with at least 800dpi x 600dpi