Easy Notes is a unique and extensive combination of file editor, calendar, tasks and sticky notes. What may have looked a little bit surprising at first, turns into a handy utility.
The file editor can handle files with rich-text formatting. When editing such files, it acts as a word processor. Easy Notes can also handle plain-text files with syntax highlighting, has a multiple-document interface, tabbed browsing and a tree to organize frequently used items and files. As well as common features, such as text-formatting and print-preview, there are several features, which are unique to Easy Notes.
The calendar displays a single month. Each day may hold a note, a customizable icon and it is associated with tasks. Beside the calendar, tasks are accessible from a hierarchical tree structure in a standalone window. Each task has a priority, status, and a rich-text formatted description. Also, you can set a deadline and attachments, or URLs, to every task.
With Easy Notes, there are two approaches to notes. First one is a note tree. The tree is accessible in a standalone window with a rich-text formatting editor and tabbed browsing among opened notes. Sticky notes are the second approach. A sticky note occupies a defined space on your desktop. It can stay on top of other windows. It may remain full size, or you can roll it into a single bar to save space. Every note is saved automatically. Just like a real paper note.
Simply said, there are many useful features and unique aspects with an intuitive and friendly interface. Just try Easy Notes, and you'll see for your-self.
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Recent Changes: Not Established
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: English, German, Japanese
Additional Requirements: Not Established