NewsPiper is an RSS feed reader, news aggregator, web grabber and news ticker in one program. It allows you to monitor your favorite news sites (cnn.com, foxnews.com, etc.), RSS feeds or blogs, retrieve necessary news and display it in the usual three panes newsreader interface (channels, news titles, news details) or scroll it in a special bar (NewsBar) placed at the top of your screen. For each shown headline, you can open the "full story" page in your default web browser simply by clicking on the headline.
Another useful feature of NewsPiper Pro is "news pronouncing": you can set it up to pronounce news headlines and details from one or more channels so NewsPiper can be used as a "radio tuner" for your favorite RSS feeds or Web sites.
Adding a new channel is very easy: you can manually enter the URL of a web site or an RSS feed, or drag-and-drop it from a web browser or another program, or simply paste it in from the clipboard.
You can also add channels from an "Online channel catalog" containing many popular web sites and RSS feeds.
In addition, NewsPiper checks your connection status according to a schedule you setup and changes the color of the icon in the system tray bar accordingly: green means you are online, red indicates offline.
Related Searches: news aggregator, RSS, news ticker, stock ticker, news, headlines, news sites, news pages, lateset news, headline ticker, news pronounce, speaking reader
Recent Changes: -added: An ability to specify user agent
-fixed: Wrong processing of far-eastern languages;
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: English, Russian
Additional Requirements: A standard Windows PC