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TrulyMail Portable 3.1.19 - User Reviews Page

Description: TrulyMail is a secure messaging system which includes email and VoiceMail... (more)

User Reviews for TrulyMail Portable 3.1.19

TrulyMail Portable has been reviewed 1 time(s) on

Average Rating:   Average User Rating: 5

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User Reviews for TrulyMail Portable

rating: 5Peter (Viet Nam - Viet Nam), on Jun 27, 2010

Very nice e-mail client with built in encryption.

You can remove some remote images while showing others. I notice that it automatically blocks scrips inside HTML messages (which is nice). It also supports zooming when reading, which is great since I get some messages with really small fonts.

The fact that it's free is the icing on the cake.

The only thing I would like to see them add is a to do list so I can note that someone should reply to my message by a certain date.

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