CHM to HTML Converter is a product which allows you to convert any CHM files or E-Books to HTML easily, and you can extract any/all source files from the CHM, such as HHP, HHC, HHK and etc. Supporting batch conversion of CHM files at once by one click to save your time.
Also it can be used from the Command Line Prompt, even via ShellEx API in any additional applications. Plus, supporting multi-language interface as English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, Hungarian, Portuguese, Turkish.
Related Searches: CHM to HTML Converter, CHM Converter, CHM Extractor, Help Converter, help conversion, microsoft chm, help converting, convert chm to html, convert chm file, convert hlp
Recent Changes: Application installer improved
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Turkish
Additional Requirements: Not Established