AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT 2014 compatible! Create & Edit AutoCAD files at low cost using best-in-class solution - no AutoCAD required. Complete with fre 3D architectural drawing toolbox. CAD design software for building and landscape design, civil and structural drafting. Print PDF, DWF, STL file for 3D printing of drawings & full 3D modeling and 3D rendering. Edit complex AutoCAD files with xrefs, blocks, hatching, mtext and more. Includes free EasyArch for architectural drawing of walls, doors, windows, stairs etc.
AutoCAD 2014 DWG file & DXF native editing - read & write support without conversion. Free raster image conversion, advanced 3D shading and rendering, quick dimension tool, raster-image-to-vector converter and more. PDF & 3D PDF, SVG, STL 3D printing and Google Earth KML export, ACIS 3D Solids modelling, temporary point snap (oSnap), layers, blocks, IntelliCAD AutoLISP, VBA-VSTA, True DRX C++ API. Enhanced block data extraction, gradient boundary hatch and xref editing. progeCAD Professional includes the best IntelliCAD CAD symbols library manager free. Includes free EasyArch for architectural drawing of walls, doors, windows, stairs etc.
Special upgrade promotion from IntelliCAD, AutoCAD LT, MicroStation, VectorWorks, ArchiCAD, TurboCAD Pro, Chief Architect, ZwCAD, BricsCAD Vectorworks and other CAD versions. Easy to learn. International commercial license are available in stand-alone, USB and Network versions, and well suited for business use.
Free support for progeCAD is offered on caddit.net/forum. CADDIT offers a variety of license options including single stand-alone Professional, USB, Network and corporate license solutions for all size companies. Extended tech support and training options are available, although AutoCAD drawing experience is usually enough to use progeCAD CAD software quite fluently.
Related Searches: cad, design, software, autocad, autocadlt, progecad, intellicad, download, caddit, drawing, graphics
Recent Changes: AutoCAD DWG 2014 and Windows 8.1 Support, IntelliCAD 7.2. 3D PDF, 3D architectural drawing commands and library.
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: English
Additional Requirements: Intel P4, 3GB RAM 3 GB HD, OpenGL graphics