Discounted Cash Flow Analysis Calculator helps you with capital budgeting by simultaneously evaluating the cash flow series of 14 projects against 5 different discount rates per project.
For each of 14 cash flow series, Discounted Cash Flow Analysis Calculator performs the following calculations: Initial Investment, Smallest Cash Flow, Largest Cash Flow, Cash Flow Range, Average Cash Flow, Number of Cash Flows, Undiscounted Sum of Cash Flows, Internal Rate of Return (IRR), Undiscounted Payback Period.
Simultaneously, for each of five, user-defined, discount rates associated with each of the 14 cash flow series, Discounted Cash Flow Analysis Calculator provides: Net Present Value (NPV), Net Future Value (NFV), Net Uniform Series (NUS), Modified Internal Rate of Return (MIRR), Present Worth Cost, Present Worth Revenue, Benefit/Cost Ratio, Present Value Ratio.
Discounted Cash Flow Analysis Calculator is designed for these Windows operating systems: 2000, XP and Vista systems. With integrated help, a glossary of Cash Flow Analysis Terms, automatic hints, and an integrated Upgrade Wizard for easy, online updates, Discounted Cash Flow Analysis Calculator is a powerful, user-friendly financial calculator.
Related Searches: discounted cash flow, cash flow calculator, capital budgeting, Present Worth Cost, net present value, net uniform series, modified internal rate of return, discount rate, internal rate of return, net future value, equivalent yield, NPV, NFV, IRR, NUS
Recent Changes: Additional calculator, improved user interface
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: English
Additional Requirements: 8MB Ram, 800x600