An application for AUTOCAD 2002-2015, which makes the triangulation of a set of POINT entities, the intersection curves (isolines) between a set of 3DFACE entities and a set of equidistance plans, horizontally or vertically and the volume and center of gravity of a set of bodies or between surfaces composed of 3DFACE entities. You can also load and draw a file of points having the format: Number X Y Z Code. The drawing of the XYZ files is made with POINT, 3DPOLY, SPLINE or BLOCK entities, according to a modifiable library of codes. The triangulation is performed on a convex hull of a set of points. You can triangulate million points! The isolines can be interpolated and their colors are according to a drawn legend. The isolines having Z a multiple of a value will be drawn thickened. You can define a clipping parallelepiped for isolines. You can also make the projection over a triangulation of a 2D POLYLINE and generate cross sections and a longitudinal profile corresponding at projection. The POLYLINE may contain arcs. Color-filled contour maps can be also generated.
The price is for the first license! You can buy anytime after, other licenses at a lower price!
Related Searches: AutoCAD Add-ons, Topography, XYZ File, Triangulation, Isolines, Color-filled contour map, Sections, Volume
Recent Changes: It has now a fast triangulation (millions of points in a few minutes).
It has a fast loading of points.
It also runs on AutoCAD 2015.
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: English, French, German, Romanian, Spanish
Additional Requirements: AUTOCAD version 2002 to 2015.