This program displays various statistics about your Dial-up, GPRS, ADSL, LAN and so forth (TCP/IP) connections to the Internet. It can process almost all variety of tariff schemes, which are used by ISPs of different countries (money expenses for 1 business hour and for 1 Mb of traffic). Management of several connections (providers), each having its own settings and connection report (log files) with recorded session details and diagrams showing money, time and traffic statistics. Export of connection report table into Microsoft Excel. Ping of remote address. Synchronization of system time with public NTP servers of exact time in the Internet. The program has the following editable counters. Counters of the main window and speed counters may be arranged both horizontally (row) and vertically (column). Counter dimensions (width, height) can be adjusted, their readings - aligned (left, center, right). The special window for construction of graphs of speed of reception and transmission during a session.
Related Searches: Internet, counter of the traffic, ADSL connection, dial-up, GPRS, LAN, graphs of speed, statistics, time, money expenses, ISP, FTP
Recent Changes: Choice of appearance of the indicator of speed of an exchange: the Graph or the Diagram. The tab Adapters is replaced with the tab of Connections, here the program forms 3 lists of different types of the connections present in system and the choice of a name of connection which will be used by defau
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: English
Additional Requirements: Pentium-200MMX or higher,64 RAM, 800x600xHiColor