RemoteRegistryCleaner scans a remote or local machine for Windows Registry errors and fixes them up for smoother running of the computer. RemoteRegistryCleaner also scans and list obsolete and unwanted Windows files and deletes them which results in faster performance of the computer. RemoteRegistryCleaner is the worlds first and one-and-only registry cleaner software that works for a local computer as well as for network computers. Remote Registry Cleaner supports 64-bit and 32-bit Operating Systems. The state-of-art technology helps you scan any of your network computer's registry and repair any errors that are found during scanning. RemoteRegistryCleaner not only scans network computers, but can scan local computers as well. It can completely diagnose the registry for any un-necessary or un-wanted registry links and files and list-out the errors in each computers. You can choose which computers to scan for and thoroughly fixes the errors. It helps to speed up your local and network computers. With it's user friendly interface, any user can operate it smoothly. There is no need for a technical expertise to operate RemoteRegistryCleaner.
*World's first registry cleaner that fixes registry of remote PCs
*Scan network registry for errors & fixes them effectively
*Select the computers of your choice for scanning
*Install in any one computer and scan the entire PCs in LAN
*No need to install into all the computers in the LANe LAN
*System Restore creation and restore option is included
*Registry backup option is also included for better protection
*Registry backup is useful in older PCs such as Win2000
*Computer runs faster and error free
*Boost system performance
*Remove redundant and unwanted information from registry
*Deletes un-used configuration data from Windows registry
*Wipes out information that is no longer in use
*Pick out the unnecessary data and repair PCs
*Delay in Windows startup can be avoided
Related Searches: Registry Cleaner, Remote Registry Cleaner, Cleans Temp Files, Scans & Fixes Network Registry, Deletes Unwanted Files, Network Registry Cleaner, Scans Network PC Scan, Registry Fixer, Optimize Windows, Registry Wiper, Wipes Registry, Fixes Registry
Recent Changes: WMI Remote Diagnostic tool included, Installation Bug Fixed, Firefox temporary files, systemwide custom search, 64-bit support, optimized local search, re-classified categories, bugs with remote fixing
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: English
Additional Requirements: Windows OS