Mangle-It Java Obfuscator makes C/Java code unreadable. Symbol and file names are mangled, strings encrypted, symbols are updated in comments and xml config files. A signature like "LPTSTR Translate( LPCTSTR psz )" is converted to "LPTSTR sXXXYYYXXYXXYX( LPCTSTR sXXXXYYXYYXXYX )", the string "Log" converts to "\x82\x88\x83\x85\x84\x83\x86\x82". Work in Debug and Release mode, command line operation allows incorporation into build scripts. An extensive list of over 150,000 library symbols that are excluded from mangling saves you time. UI allows for simultaneous viewing of source and mangled code, your source files are never altered. Easy to use project concept. Protect your intellectual property. Defeat hackers!
Related Searches: Java obfuscator, Java obfuscators, obfuscate Java, obfuscated Java, mangle Java, mangled Java, mangling Java, mangler Java, manglers Java, scramble Java, crunch Java, scrambled Java, scrambler Java, scramblers Java
Recent Changes: various bug fixes included
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: English
Additional Requirements: win2k