SysTracer Pro is a system utility tool that can analyze your computer for modified files, folders, registry entries, startup applications, installed programs, windows services and drivers. Each scan of SysTracer Pro generates an overview image of your system, image that we call snapshot.
Information related to your files, folders, registry entries, running processes, loaded dlls, startup applications and services is stored in snapshot files for later analysis. You can create as many snapshots you may want.
You can view snapshot content any time you wish and you can search into it for files, folders and registry. Even more, you can export and import snapshots between computers if you want to compare different systems.
If you want to see the differences between your system status at two different moments in time simply compare the snapshots you made at these points. You don't need to worry about remembering the differences. SysTracer Pro will let you save them in a HTML or PDF file.
Now you can export registry differences between snapshots in .reg files (regedit format) in order to revert undesirable registry changes.
The process of recording snapshots takes usually a few minutes depending on your filesystem and registry complexity. Snapshots comparison is very fast - it's practically done in no time.
The user interface is so easy to use that you will don't need more than a few minutes to figure out how you can use it.
Related Searches: system trace, file trace, registry trace, system snapshot, registry watch, export registry, view system changes, system tool, system watch, registry differences, file changes, registry changes, tracer, detect changes, system utility, registry, compare, services
Recent Changes: Post scan filters - hide irrelevant items from recorded snapshots. Export reports in PDF.
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: English
Additional Requirements: Not Established