Advanced utility to change date/time stamps, attributes of files-folders, JPEG-EXIF images, MS Office (DOC, XLS, PPT, DOCX, XLSX, PPTX) document properties and metadata. Utility can set and reset attributes, copy and flexible manipulate date-time stamps, insert date-time information into file name, rename files, change files extensions, print folder contents. Ideal tool to annotate your images or documents. You can use custom filters, templates, batch process files, search files, mask and shift date-time, print folder contents. Preview result and command line mode.
Related Searches: rename, file, directory, folder, attribute, date, time, modify, created, accessed, change, stamp, timestamp, hidden, archived, readonly, offline, word, JPEG, EXIF, digicam, picture, image, taken, office, word, excel
Recent Changes: minor bugs fixed; fixed copying properties from nested files / folders
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: English
Additional Requirements: Win2000 or higher, 16MB, Pentium processor