Identity theft is on the rise. Your own computer may be one of the easiest ways for thieves to access your information! Search and secure your private information, including social security numbers, credit cards, drivers license, and even passwords. Find and secure your personal information (PI) before others get the chance! Identity Pro complements your antivirus, anti-spyware, anti-spam, and other security programs to protect you against a new type of threat: identity theft! Viruses and malware can ruin your PC, but ID theft can ruin your life! Automatically seek out and protect your important data. You'll be surprised at how much of your information is kept on your PC, from web forms to emails. Once you know what's there, you can delete or encrypt with ease.
Related Searches: PC security, identity security, Atherion, internet privacy, Identity fraud, ID fraud, fraud
Recent Changes: New Features and updates!
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: English
Additional Requirements: Windows XP: Microsoft Windows Installer 3.0 & Windows 2K: service pack 4 with windows installer 3.0