Converter 3Plus- Universal Batch Converter allows users quickly convert thousands of files from one format into another.
Here are a few of the common types to convert: BMP to JPG, BMP to GIF, BMP to PNG, BMP to TIF, TIF to BMP, TIF to JPG, TIF to GIF, JPG to GIF, GIF to JPG, PIC to JPG, DCX to JPG, DIB to JPG, JIF to JPG, PBM to JPG, PCX to JPG, PGM to JPG, PPM to JPG, TGA to JPG, and WPG to JPG.
All documents can be selected and processed at once. Ideal solution for organizations that regularly batch print and convert image files. No additional software required.
- Batch image resizing.
- Batch Image converting.
- Convert one type of files to another.
- Convert many different types of files into one multi-page TIF file.
- Convert one multi-page TIF file into many single files. .
Related Searches: Image Converter, image Software, Image Merger, Ping SX2, Image Converter, conversion, convert, converter, batch, effects, sharpen, resize, crop, colorize, adjust, add text, merge, contrast, darken, lighten, brighten, change, bmp to jpg, jpg to gif
Recent Changes: Not Established
Install Support: Install Only
Supported Languages: English
Additional Requirements: Not Established