: : The one stop solution for writing notes against any files on disk, removable media and over networks.
: : Start using FNO3 to get organized within seconds. With an interface like Windows Explorer with extra columns, you can start adding notes immediately, wherever your files are located. Even use search tools like Windows search, File Finder, X1 and Yahoo Desktop search to jumpstart your collections.
: : Catalog all your files - downloads, documents, photos, music, video etc. You can even add notes for a page or a section of video and jump straight to it in the viewer
Integrated Viewer - Support for all popular file formats including Microsoft Office, PDF, MP3, Windows media, JPEG, Photoshop, ZIP. Also includes support for Paint Shop Pro, Corel Draw, Paperport MAX and many more.
Slide Show - With a few clicks you can create and present a collection of files from across folders, CDs, DVDs and the network.
Workgroup Notes - By using bookmark notes each member of a workgroup can add their own notes for a document or even a page within a document. The Windows Explorer-like interface means instant staff productivity with minimal training. You cannot get a simpler, more cost effective solution for digital information management.
Virtual Folders - Drag a set of folders (or files) into a collection and browse the contents just as if they were all within one virtual folder.
Automatic Prompts - When you save a new file or download from the internet you can be automatically prompted for a note by a small popup window. Also, notes are automatically maintained when any application does a file copy, move, delete or rename.
Security - Notes and layouts are automatically saved along with every network backup. That means your business can be up and running at an emergency location in a matter of hours should the need ever arise. Security alone makes the paperless effort worthwhile.
Related Searches: file notes, file viewer, file manager, file manager software, filing system, windows explorer replacement, document manager, paperport, download manager, disk catalog, file organizer, removable media, compression software, quick view plus
Recent Changes: Virtual Collections - now create on-the-fly presentations and projects collections from any media using popular search software including Windows Search, X1, Yahoo Desktop, PowerDesk File Finder with one "Save To Collection" mouse click
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: English
Additional Requirements: Pentium 200Mhz, 64Mb RAM, 800x600 display