A network inventory, hardware inventory, and software inventory tool: Over 200 key data points are reported in these categories: Manufacturer Computer System, Product Information, BIOS, Operating System, OS Environment Settings, CPU, RAM, Motherboard, Chassis, Logical Drives, Hard Disk Detail, CD DVD Detail, Tape Drive Detail, Mouse, Keyboard, Port Connections, Serial, Parallel Ports, USB, SCSI Devices, Modem, Audio, Video, Video Adapter Settings, Printers, Network Settings (IP Address, MAC Address, DHCP, DNS, WINS), System Services (DHCP, DNS, WINS) & Network Client Services, Protocols, Network Adapters, Shared Resources, Drivers, Registered Software Packages, Hot Fixes, Service Packs, Registered Applications. No special technical skills are needed to use the program or its output. Output is written to text and Access database files allowing manipulation and additional analysis of collected data using a wide variety of productivity tools. Designed to run the executable from a command prompt with no installation. The program is written in Visual Basic and relies on standard components of the Microsoft Windows operating system (Windows 2000 and later). No web access and no administrative privileges are required to collect information from the local computer. Fast data collection: on average, 60 seconds per computer. Discover network computers in a Domain or use a list of computers you provide; free to inventory up to 3 computers sequentially. A purchased license ($95 USD) required for larger networks permitting inventory of an unlimited number of computers. No Agents are deployed; nothing is installed or running on remote target computers. Low Impact: In network situations remote computer Users may notice disk drive activity during hardware data collection but no other activity is apparent. Since target computers are inventoried sequentially, a small amount of network bandwidth is used. Small, Portable Executable. User manual (downloadable pdf) and FAQs available.
Related Searches: Network Inventory, Hardware Inventory, PC Inventory, Computer Inventory, Software Inventory, Asset Management, System Information Utility, Computer Census
Recent Changes: Not Established
Install Support: No Install Support
Supported Languages: English
Additional Requirements: Win9x or later, VB Runtime, Win9x needs DCOM & WMI, 1.5 MB disk space rec.