Protect everything on your web page, including HTML source code, JavaScript, VBScript, text, links and graphics. People will not be able to view or edit your source code, your text cannot be copied to clipboard, your link addresses will not be displayed in the status bar of the browser, and your graphics will not be able to be saved by using the "Save image..." function provided by web browsers. While users will still be able to view your web pages and save it to their local disk, the pages are encrypted by HTML Protector so that the user will not be able to understand its source code, which will prevent them from using the code on their own pages.
Lately, some companies have started to implement content filters to deny access to websites that contain certain words. If your website is affected by these filters, your website will not be available to all users. Luckily, if you implement HTML Protector on your site, these filters will be unable to scan your source code. Your webpage will be available to everyone.
Some software packages are designed to scan all the pages on a website and extract all the e-mail addresses from it - this is called an e-mail grabber. With this information, spammers are able to get a large number of valid e-mail addresses from any page that is not protected.
Protect the email addresses on your pages by encrypting the HTML so that e-mail grabber programs are unable to understand the source code.
Some visitors try to use programs to download an entire website, which downloads every single file on every page. This occupy much of your servers bandwidth, slowing down the other visitors of your site which you will probably not be to happy about.
HTML Protector offers protection by encrypting all of the links on your pages, so automated downloaders will be unable to analyze the deep links your pages contain - this will save your sites bandwidth for the rest of your visitors.
Related Searches: webpage code protection, html encryption, html protection, html protector, html protecter, right mouse click supression, web images protection, html view supression, website protection, webpage code protection
Recent Changes: Not Established
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: English
Additional Requirements: No special requirements