Twins WebNews is a news reader that allows you to read RSS and ATOM webfeeds.
RSS and ATOM webfeeds contain the content of a website, and are provided free-of-charge by thousands of websites around the world. Twins WebNews helps you find these webfeeds, add them, and read their content the same way as you do when reading e-mail...
Twins WebNews is not just a regular newsreader! Twins WebNews completely changes the way you read news on the web. Visiting multiple sites, looking for news items you haven?t read, belongs to the past. Various Sort and Filter options help you find the items you want, and filter out those you don?t want.
But, there?s more! Twins WebNews keeps all of your webfeeds up-2-date in the background, using idle-bandwith. This ensures that you always have the latest news items available. You can also search for news items, and make news items ?sticky? for further reference.
Twins WebNews has a powerful, but easy-to-use interface. The Quick Tutorial provided with Twins WebNews helps you getting started in no time.
If you can read e-mail, then you can use Twins WebNews! Download Twins WebNews right now and try it out yourself.
Related Searches: rss, atom, webfeeds, rss feeds, feed, rss reader, webfeed reader, atom feeds, podcast, twins, twins webnews, web news, news reader, atom reader, read feeds, xml, xml reader, parse rss, read feeds, read webfeeds
Recent Changes: New Release!
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: English
Additional Requirements: Not Established