The filter is designed for quality improvement of compressed cartoons like video by removing ringing artifacts. Ringing noise preferably manifest itself around edges due to coarse quantization. Filter is intended for recovering quality of video after decompressing by H.261, H.263, MPEG-2, MPEG-4 (DivX 3, DivX 4, XviD) and H.264 (x264). Can use GPU processing mode for several algorithms that decreases processing time significally.
Related Searches: video, deringing, processing, ringing, low bitrate, artifact, film, anime, cartoons, VirtualDub, plugin, postprocessing, enhancement, compressed video, GPU, GPU video, GPU video processing
Recent Changes: GPU support added
Install Support: No Install Support
Supported Languages: Not Established
Additional Requirements: VirtualDub v.1.7.1 minimum required, for GPU usage you must have video card, supporting OpenGL 2.0