mxORB is a server-side spam filter that consistently blocks over 98% of unsolicited commercial email (also known as spam) at a fraction of the cost of other filtering solutions. mxORB is packed with all of the features you will need to eliminate spam. The amazing low price coupled with a success rate of over 98% gives it an unassailable position in today's marketplace. mxORB can be deployed in two different ways, either directly on your Exchange Server system, or on a separate IIS SMTP mail relay system. mxORB makes use of a number of techniques to filter spam, including: use of real-time Internet databases of known spam senders; filtering that blocks messages based on their content; and attachment filters that can reduce the risk of security incidents such as virus infection. All filtering is performed on the server-side allowing you to protect your email system without the need to configure individual client workstations.
Related Searches: exchange 2000 spam filter, exchange 2003 spam filter, exchange spam filter, exchange, iis, smtp, uce, unsolicited commercial email, spam, filter, open, relay, blacklist, event, sink, cdo, windows, server, dnsbl, rbl, ordb
Recent Changes: Not Established
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: English
Additional Requirements: IIS or Exchange SMTP service