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C: \ Development \ Components & Libraries \ OptiVec for Delphi 2006/2007 6.5.8 \ Author

OptiVec for Delphi 2006/2007 6.5.8 - Author Information Page

Description: OptiVec: Fast vector and matrix library for Delphi 2006/2007.. (more)

Author Info for OptiVec for Delphi 2006/2007 6.5.8

Author/Company Name: OptiCode - Dr Martin Sander Software Dev

Country: Germany

Official Web Site:

Programs Listed: 4

Other listings by OptiCode - Dr Martin Sander Software Dev

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OptiVec: Fast vector and matrix library for Delphi 2005

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OptiVec: Fast vector and matrix library for MS Visual C++

OptiVec for Delphi 7 iconOptiVec for Delphi 7 6.5.8   (Downloads: 110)
OptiVec: Fast vector and matrix library for Delphi 7

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