ScreenShot captures your current screen view and provides you with options to modify, display, save, print or copy to clipboard. Shots/views can be captured in full-screen, active window or cursor selections. Optionally use the editor to grab specific window parts. Save and re-open the results in your favourite graphic application. Define and automate a custom your screenshot process. Every step in the process can be executed automatically. The tool is easy to use. The included wizard guides you through the process. ScreenShot is made for all users but popular with computer journalist, documentation creators and for home users.
Fully functional trial version. Screenshot runs in your system tray. Includes optional cursor capturing and uninstaller.
Related Searches: screenshot, capture screenshot, screen capture, capture, print, printscreen, hardcopy, screendump
Recent Changes: Compatibility with Windows 8. Fixed autostart functionality for local users.
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: English
Additional Requirements: none