Windows Hunter allows to manage all active, invisible and system windows and tasks. Windows Hunter is a task and application management software. You can easily find, move, show or hide any window. If you work with big number of application (e.g. Microsoft Office, Internet Explorer, IDEA) when you can improve your work and spend less time to find applications. Use Windows Hunter quick search to find any window by part of caption. Windows Hunter useful for developers and system administrators, you can find and get special technical information like Window handle, owner process, window long parameters.
Windows Hunter supports multi-screen systems and can move any window to center of main screen. With help of Windows Hunter you can forget about problems with windows layout on different configuration of desktop work area. If something outside a work area you can move it to visible part of screen by one click. This problem appears when you start application with multiscreen layout on one monitor system. Read use cases on [url removed] for more information.
Related Searches: windows, hunter, task, manage, multi, monitor, home, hidden
Recent Changes: Highlight feature unlocked for Home version. Monitor identificator where window placed added to detailed information (only for Professional version). Detection of base window point outside of screen added (only for Professional Version). Fast swich of windows list type from menu added. Bugfixes
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: English
Additional Requirements: any