The free solution for your context sensitive help system - a good alternative to CHM or HLP help viewer. Also with your identity - logo and company data!
Use PDF files in your program's help system and as user manuals!
Which tool and which file format do you use for displaying the program help in your software?
- Typically, the software of today stores its help in .CHM-format. But .chm files are potential carries of security threats and are oft blocked by the security software.
- The HTML-format requires a lot of separate files (texts, images etc.).
- The HLP-format was introduced with Windows 3.1 and does not correspond to the actual technical level any more. Also, the HLP-Viewer WinHlp32.exe is no more distributed with Windows Vista.
- PDF files are a good solution, but a separate reader is required. The free Adobe Reader provides no possibility to realize a context sensitive help. Besides, Adobe Reader is no more easily distributable.
The solution: use Perfect DocuReader from soft Xpansion! Start the program directly from your application like this:
DocuReader.exe PDF_filename
DocuReader.exe PDF_filename page_number
DocuReader.exe PDF_filename named_destination
and all the necessary functionality for the help presentation are available.
The Perfect DocuReader functions:
- Open, read and display any PDF files
- Show the needed document page at start
- Use named destinations to display the desirable text at the start
- Navigate using the bookmarks, links, buttons "Next page" and "Previous page"
- Zoom and search function
- Printing functionality
Try it! It's easy! No installation required.
Commercial usage
The free version of Perfect DocuReader for the commercial usage starts with a splash screen and shows the logo of soft Xpansion in its toolbar. You can receive your "own" version with your own logo and splash screen (or without it) instead of those of soft Xpansion. Please contact us (www.soft-xpansion.com)!
Related Searches: freeware, pdf freeware, pdf, PDF Technology, pdf manual, PDF viewing, pdf viewer, PDF help, pdf help viewer, licensing, PDF tools, pdf sdk, pdf library, pdf office, pdf document, document management, context help, context sensitive help, guide
Recent Changes: New PDF engine
Possibility to set your own logo and splash
Print function
Install Support: No Install Support
Supported Languages: German, English
Additional Requirements: Windows compatible PC, 4 Mb HDD