ClinTools is a product suite that contains the following elements:
*Effect Size Generator - Pro. With the following functions:
o Compute: Cohen's d; Hedges' Adjustment for sample size (to Cohen's d); Hedges' ? effect size estimate; 95% confidence intervals; pooled and other standard deviation estimates; independent samples t-tests and z statistic; a priori power analysis; effect size conversions (many - w to C, d to ?, ? to r, F to d, f2 to R2, r to d, etc, etc) with and without sample size corrections; compute confidence intervals around mean (any confidence interval!); compute effect size interactions on repeated measure analysis; estimate f2 effect size estimates for both multiple and hierarchical regressions; conduct 2x2, 2x3 and 3x3 Chi Square analyses; test difference between effect sizes; Help files explaining all effect size statistics used.
o Conduct meta-analyses allowing: unweighted and weighted mean effect size estimates; Rosenthal's Fail-Safe N statistic; Orwin's Criterion d and g; computation based upon measure type; computation based upon study type; tests of heterogeneity (Q and I-Squared statistics); complete summary information in text file format; conversion of files to MS Access and Excel format; Help files explaining all statistics used.
*Odds Ratio Generator - Pro. With the ability to compute the following functions:
o Relative Risks; Relative Risk Increases; Event Odds; Odds Ratios; Number Needed To Treat; Number Needed To Harm; 95% confidence intervals; Chi Square Analysis (2*2 and 2*3); Phi / Cramer's Phi; Help files explaining statistics behind programme.
o Improvement vs no change vs deterioration; improvement vs no improvement; for treatment and control groups.
*Reliable & Clinical Change Generator - Pro. With the ability to compute:
o Reliable change indices with 68.26%, 95% or 99% confidence; whether there has been change with 68.26%, 95% or 99% confidence.
Related Searches: effect size, odds ratio, reliable change, clinical change, random numbers, generator, power analysis, event rates, confidence intervals, phi, chi square, Cramer's phi, meta-analysis, relative risk
Recent Changes: Now Vista compatible. Reliable Change Generator additions and bug fixes and enhanced functionality to Effect Size Generator
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: English
Additional Requirements: Not Established