Web JukeBox makes it easy to place your MP3 music collection on your Website. Included are dozens of cool skins to that will match any Website design. With just a few clicks, you can add your entire music collection of MP3s to your Website. Now you no longer need to embed a media player in your Webpage -- just paste the code created by our program into your existing Webpage, and presto! It couldn't be any easier. If you've struggled trying to learn how to get streaming audio on your Website and simply couldn't get it to work, CoffeeCup Web JukeBox is your answer! You can have your music collection online in just minutes. No more hassle with opening ports on your router or working with your firewall -- just create the jukebox, upload the files to your Website, and you're all set! CoffeeCup Web JukeBox offers you flexiblity and creativity in creating your online music player the way you want. You can add an unlimited number of songs and organize them how you wish; by the artist's name or album title, it's totally up to you! And believe us when we say the templates are cool; everything from a simple stereo and buttons to an iPod can be placed on your Website.
Related Searches: Streaming Website Audio, Streaming Website Video, MP3, Website MP3 Player, Stream Music, Website Music, Jukebox, Web Audio, Streaming MP3, MP3 Server, Sound, Flash, Macromedia
Recent Changes: -CD Ripper Included
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: English
Additional Requirements: IE 8 or higher, Adobe Flash 11+