Fast AVI to GIF Converter is an easy to use and powerful conversion tool that lets you to convert video AVI file to animated GIF format. Ability to have control over Frame Rate, Frame Delay, Width, Height, Color Optimization (Standard, Dither, Optimal, Dither + Optimal) and select Transparency Color of animated GIF.
Plus, GIF Optimizer which gives you an ability to specify effective range of controls on fine-tuning the display quality and file size of an image for use on the Web or other online media. It?s also useful for webmasters who want to place graphic on the website.
Related Searches: AVI Converter, AVI to GIF, GIF Converter, Image Converter, video to GIF converter, movie to GIF converter, gif converter, gif optimizer, gif for web
Recent Changes: GIF Optimizer added;.
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: English
Additional Requirements: Not Established