The Java developer is ideal for beginners, based on J2SDK 1.3 version, that's why it can be runned on all the operation systems except Windows. Its editor shows the code with syntax highlight, it has redo-undo function. The work is easy with the structure panel and the file browser. You only need one push-button to compile/run, shows the compiling errors clearly. Running is in an virtual console at the same time, so writing console programs can be possible. It can also be used not just in Java but acquiring HTML, SQL language. Multiple languages are supported, and an English, Spanish translation is included.
Related Searches: Free, Java, Belovai, Tibor, JDK, SDK, Java2SE, developer, IDE, SQL, freeware
Recent Changes: SQL Syntax highlight text editor, Structure panel, Script running with outer database server.
Install Support: No Install Support
Supported Languages: English, Hungarian, Spanish, Italian
Additional Requirements: All Java Enabled (J2SDK1.3.0)