Liquid Story Binder XE is a word processor designed for writers. It allows you to view your documents easily. It gives you the freedom to create while protecting your work.
Liquid Story Binder Features: Multi-Window Display, Spell Checking, Thesaurus, Reference Notes, Timelines, Story Boards, Plot Outlines, Dossiers, Audio Recorder, Image Gallery, Reader, Manuscript Formatting, Time and Word Count Tracking, Chapter and Book Backups, Paragraph and Punctuation Cleaning, Toolbars, Templates, Portable Drive Install, Universal Search, Repetition Visualizer, External Editing, Project Goals, Playlists.
Chapter and Scene Based Writing
Liquid Story Binder XE can clean and combine many small documents into a single, font-unified manuscript. Use a Chapter Builder to quickly arrange complex scenes.
Pick and Choose Flexible Features
Pick and choose the file types that work best for you. Liquid Story Binder never tells you how to write! Flexible file types allow you to use your imagination.
Organize Your Novel
Create a Book folder and let Liquid Story Binder sort, search and combine your documents.
Create the Perfect Working Environment
Choose a color scheme that suits your writing style. Save window positions and open files for quick and easy access using Workspaces. Open dozens of windows simultaneously - or just a simple textbox centered in the screen, free of all distractions.
Advanced Outlining Tools
Timelines, Outlines, Mindmaps, Dossiers, Sequences and Storyboards. Liquid Story Binder XE provides the tools you need to plan your next great novel.
Many Features in a Very Small Download
The Liquid Story Binder XE installation package is only 5MB in size!!
Liquid Story Binder can quickly search through every chapter, note, outline, builder and backup to find the exact word or phrase you are looking for.
Try Liquid Story Binder for 30 Non-Consecutive Days. Full Vista Compatibility!!
Related Searches: word processing, creative writing, novelists, writers, book, chapter, outline, outlining, timelines, mindmapping, mindmaps, storyboards, poets, novels, notes, dossiers, galleries, portable, writing goals
Recent Changes: New Planner View Modes, Smart Dash / Emdash, Fixes and Enhancements
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: English
Additional Requirements: Windows XP