Stock Screener Lite is a FREEWARE software that can Screen, Scan & Filter Stocks. Stock Screener Lite covers over 30 stock exchange worldwide including NASDAQ, AMEX, NYSE, LSE (London Stock Exchange), TSE, TSX, OTC BB, Pink Sheet, HKSE, SGX, ASX, NSE and many more. Stock Screener Lite can screen and display famous Technical Analysis formulas, which include MACD, RSI, Moving Average, CCI, Williams %R, MFI, Average True Range, On Balance Volume, Fast Stochastic, Slow Stochastic, Wilder's ADX DMI, Chaikin Money Flow, Accumulation/Distribution, Rate Of Change. Stock Screener Lite contains 4 build in filters and provides FREE EOD Data for 38 stock exchange worldwide. You may download FREE Historical Stock Quotes (also known as Historical Stock Prices or Historical Stock Data) from our website to be used as sample data to test out the Stock Screener Lite.
The build in filters in Stock Screener Lite include:
1. Moving Average 1 Crossover Moving Average 2
2. MACD Buy Signal generated in last few days, weeks, months
3. RSI value cross Above or Below certain value in last days,weeks, months.
4. Average Volume Filter higher than certain value
Stock Screener Lite supports multiple stock exchange in a single database. This means that you may have NASDAQ, AMEX and NYSE (or more if you like) all in a single database and run the screen against all stocks in the database. To try this feature, you have to download the Historical Stock Quotes (EOD Data) from our website and begin to try out the features. We provide more than 3 months of EOD Data (Historical Stock Quotes & Prices) for FREE to enable users to try out Stock Screener Lite.
Some of the highligths of Stock Screener Lite includes:
1. Completely free as it is a FREEWARE
2. Ability to view and print stock charts.
3. View Candlestick, Bar (Open, High, Low, Close), Line
4. Display up to 16 Technical Analysis indicators and Moving Averages
5. Supports more than one stock exchange in a single database
Related Searches: Stock, Equity, Stock Market, Stock Exchange, Stock Screener, Stock Filter, Stock Scan, Candlestick, Technical Analysis, EOD Data, Historical Stock Prices, Historical Stock Quotes, Historical Stock Data, AMEX, NASDAQ, NYSE
Recent Changes: Repair a major bug with the database engine, increase performance for Updating Database, increase performance for Screening Database
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: English
Additional Requirements: Intel Pentium 4 (1Ghz), 128Mb RAM, 100Mb Hard Disk space