Split any images or pictures into smaller segments without losing any quality. You can split images various ways, including options to split by the number of pixels, or split images into evenly sized segments. Simply choose your image and select your image splitting options, and the easy easy to use interface will automatically display all your split image segments. The original image is never altered in any way, and you can save your individual image segments, or save all image segments at once with just one mouse click. You can also copy the image segments into the clipboard for pasting into other applications, print image segments, or even open any image segment in paintbrush for further modifying. This can also be used for optimizing your website and cutting up your images for quicker loading and display. This image splitting software is very easy to use and requires no tutorial. (Runs on all Windows systems).
Related Searches: mapping, splitting, splitter, divide, cut, slicer, picture, photo, image, html, webpage, optimize, map, program, software, freeware, shareware, demo, slice, make, split, free, software, download, divider, crop, cutter
Recent Changes: New features added
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: English
Additional Requirements: Runs on all Windows systems