Code39, also known as 3 of 9 code, USD-3 or LOGMARS, is one of the most widely used bar code symbologies.
Code 39 accepts only 43 valid input characters: 26 uppercase alphas, 10 digits and hyphen(-), period(.), space, dollar sign($), slash(/), plus(+) and percent (%). Other input will be omitted by code39.
However, it is possible to encode a full ASCII table by combining 2 characters together to represent the third character. This is how Code 39 Extended barcode font is created.
Code39 is a self-checking barcode symbology that usually does not require a checksum digit.
With Barcodesoft Code 39 Extended Font, it is quite simple to encode full ASCII code 39 bar codes. Just type in asterisks(*) before and after your data, then apply one of the following Code39 fonts, code39 bar code will appear.
When you scan Code39 Extended bar code, you need to set up your scanner to utilize full ASCII feature.
There are fourteen code39 extended barcode fonts contained in the package as listed below, marked by different trailing indicators. Barcodesoft code39 extended barcode fonts have 7 different aspect ratios. Those code39 extended fonts with "Hr" in their names have human readable text printed underneath code39 barcode.
There is also a crystal reports UFL DLL and a GUI encoder included in the package.
There is also a sample in the package. You will find how easy it is to integrate bar coded Code39 data with your own application.
Barcodesoft Code39 full ASCII Premium Packages include a 30-day money back guarantee. If you are dissatisfied with the product for any reason, you will receive a full refund within 30 days.
Related Searches: Code39 full ascii, USD-3, logmars
Recent Changes: Not Established
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: English
Additional Requirements: Not Established