This program gives your site visitors the opportunity to chat with you in real time by just clicking a chat link from your site. Live Chat is a great way to have support on your Website or to talk to people who are visiting your Website. It has a built-in wizard, so you don't need to know Flash or even HTML to have Live Chat on your Website -- just upload and add the link to your site. When you have the program open, your visitors will chime in when they want to chat. If you close the program, they will receive a message that you are currently not available.
98% of Web users polled prefer Live Chat over e-mail when they want to contact someone on a Website. Most services charge a monthly fee for this, but at CoffeeCup we have figured out how to create software for only $34 to do it! Now you can have Live Chat on your Website for a fraction of the cost of other programs! When a user enters the chat area on your site, our program will notify you of a visitor and send them a welcome message. Both you and the visitor will be able to enter text into your respective interfaces, and it will show up in the other's area. This gives you the ability to answer questions from your visitor and potential customer while they are on your site. No need to wait for e-mail replies any longer. This program can also be utilized for non-business use for chatting with friends or just an everyday user to your site, without the need for an instant messaging client.
Related Searches: live chat, xml, php, flash, upload, ftp, communication, talk
Recent Changes: Updated php scripts
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: English
Additional Requirements: IE 8 or higher, Adobe Flash 11+