SWF FLV to MP3 Converter converts SWF (Adobe Flash Movie File) and FLV (Flash Video) into MP3 and WAV formats. SWF is currently the dominant format for displaying animated vector graphics, text, video, and sound on the web. SWF FLV to MP3 Converter software converts any version SWF files into MP3 and WAV formats. A SWF file may contains one or more sound elements. The software extracts any sound elements and saves as independent audio files. The software also offers a MP3 merging feature that enables user to merge multiple extracted MP3 files into single one file. FLV is the video format used by Flash. FLV (Flash Video) is a file format used to deliver video over the Internet using Adobe Flash Player. The FLV is currently used by YouTube, Google Video, Yahoo! Video, Reuters.com and many other news providers. SWF FLV to MP3 Converter supports all the FLVs. The software also supports batch conversion that allows user to convert a batch of SWF and FLV files in a time. And, it is full compatible with Vista and Windows 7.
Related Searches: swf to mp3, flash to mp3, flv to mp3, swf to wav, flv to wav, swf2mp3, flv2mp3, flv2wav, swf2wav
Recent Changes: Improves conversion performance
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: English
Additional Requirements: NA