RMCA Pro is auto-accompaniment software which offers all major features of a high quality MIDI keyboard. It comes with chord recognition, based auto arranger, style creator, Lead Sheet editor, recording section, up to 16 fingered and 10 two-finger chord types, MIDI-Import/../css/_its_ability_to_create_an_accompaniment_style_from_virtually_any_MIDI_input__MIDI_file_or_live_music_s5ixhmbyxisdj84vg5y373.css). Take RMCA Pro with you on your USB Stick or any other portable media; runs from stick. Installs itself in one directory tree.
Related Searches: portable, USB, stick, stickware, MIDI, midifile, music, realtime, arranger, styles, virtual keyboard
Recent Changes: RMCA Pro now available as stickware
Install Support: Install Only
Supported Languages: English
Additional Requirements: sound card