PowerFlashPoint automatically converts PowerPoint XP/2002, 2003 & 2007 presentations into highly compressed Internet-ready presentation in the Macromedia Flash format. PowerFlashPoint retains all special effects like Narration & Continuous Audio, Video, Animations & Transitions, Hyperlinks. Also reduce upto 98% of file size. Using PowerFlashPoint software users can easily integrate YouTube videos into presentations and quickly convert it to portable Flash. PowerFlashPoint automatically generates HTML page that allows placing Flash movie into a website or blogs. Share the converted Flash movie in SlideServe.com - online presentations sharing community, where you can share converted presentations publicly or privately infront of worldwide audience. SlideServe taking your PowerPoint presentation Online. Embed them into your blog or web sites. In SlideServe, user can Write comments, Rate presentations, Add them to favorites and also Add presentation to your Social bookmarks.
Related Searches: powerpoint to flash converter, convert powerpoint to flash, powerpoint to flash, ppt to swf, ppt to flash converter, ppt to flash, insert youtube, embed youtube, share presentations, upload ppt, embed presentations, powerpoint, ppt, free, slideserve
Recent Changes: Not Established
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: English
Additional Requirements: CPU Pentium III 860 MHz, RAM 128MB, Disk Space 500MB, Display SVGA with at least 800d800dpi x 600dpi