CiscoKits is pleased to offer to you completely free our own CCNA Subnet Calculator that you can download and use to help you prepare for your Cisco certification exams! Subnetting is one of the key concepts on the Cisco CCNA certification exam. So you need to know it inside and out. This ulitity will help you understand and verify that you know subnetting the Cisco CCNA way!
Here are some of the powerful features of the CiscoKits CCNA Subnet Calculator:
Classful Subnet Calculator - This can create your subnet results based on many different options such as: subnet mask, mask bits, most bits, number of subnets and hosts per subnet and then it gives you the ability to export all this data and more.
Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) Calculator - includes full support for CIDR. Use of CIDR addresses reduce the size of routing tables and make more IP addresses available within organizations. This CIDR classless subnetting feature is particularly useful for ISPs, colleges, or large corporations with many Class C addresses. Again, we give you the abilit to export this data so you can work with the data to meet your requirements.
Subnet Addresses - You can generate a list of addresses for any subnet, which then becomes the working document from which to assign current and future IP addresses.
Related Searches: subnet calculator, ccna, cisco ccna, cicsokits, subnet, calculator
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