Do you know how your web site is being used? How many visitors is it receiving? Which search engines are sending it the most traffic, and what phrases are being searched for to find your web site? Is your content being used by unauthorized third-party web sites? FlashStats 2006 can answer these questions, and many more, all in an extremely easy-to-use program.
FlashStats 2006 is a popular Windows program which analyzes your web site's log files to provide useful statistics about your web site. FlashStats creates 60 reports, including reports which show the number hits and visits received, paths taken through your site, and phrases searched for to find your site on each major search engine. FlashStats also has several unique reports, such as Top Attacks (which shows attempts to hack your web site) and Parasite Pages (which shows third-party web sites that may be using your site's content without your approval).
FlashStats 2006 is extremely easy to set up and use. Creating reports is easy; just pick the dates to analyze and click a button.
FlashStats 2006 also provides easy, yet powerful, filtering technology so that you can drill down into the exact results that you're looking for. You can easily create filters with our exclusive drag and drop interface.
FlashStats 2006 also has our exclusive system for automatically filtering out spam referrers, which increases the relevance of your results.
FlashStats 2006 supports common log formats, such as IIS and Apache. Download FlashStats now and try it for free for 15 days.
You've already invested a lot into your web site -- let FlashStats 2006 help you maximize your investment!
Related Searches: log file analysis, web site traffic reports, web analytics, IIS log file analysis, Apache log file analysis
Recent Changes: New (major) version
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: English
Additional Requirements: Memory equal to approx 70% of the size of the log files to be analyzed