The main features:
Automatically generated sitemaps, With yahoo, google and other large-scale search engine standards.
Simulation crawling web crawlers,can check out the incorrect link.
Set up a free multi-threaded, to generate extremely fast.
Manual support Web site editor, artificial setting parameters such as frequency of updates.
To support the import and export data.
Support URL filtering and page content filtering, you can specify the content of the Web site in the sitemaps.
Allow to set the maximum number of pages, other parameters such as time-out connection.
In the analysis of web site page, input URL, click the begin.After generating,goto list of web pages to click Export, select the format and save file name. Unregistered version only to generate support for the 100 URL.
If you want to exclude certain URL or Content, please click on the options before the start, select the advanced search settings. For example, to exclude "soft" and "user" directory under the Web site, Please input "/soft/;/user/" in the exclude URL box,Attention "/" not less.
If you want to Must be included certain URL or Content, please click on the options before the start, select the advanced search settings. For example, to Must be included "soft" and "user" in the URL, Please input "/soft/;/user/" in the included URL box,Attention "/" not less.
If restrictions by the content of the page in the above-mentioned methods to exclude or include the contents of the page box to set up the appropriate keywords.
Related Searches: sitemaps, sitemaps generator, web site, map, Web site management
Recent Changes: Not Established
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: English, Arabic, Chinese, ChineseSimplified, ChineseTraditional, Dutch, Estonian, French, German, Greek, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Spanish
Additional Requirements: Not Established