AscToPDF is a powerful and highly configurable utility that converts text files into one or more linked HTML files. It recognises headings, bullets, indentation levels, emphasized text, tables and ASCII art. By default it creates justified proportional text with tables output in non-proportional font to preserve layout. However you can choose to have the whole file generated as non-proptional font should you wish (this can be useful converting legacy reports or invoices). The software recognises four different types of headings, and these are used to add bookmarks to your file, generating a navigable table of contents for your file. The software's options can be saved to "policy files" and reloaded at a later date. The software supports the use of wildcards, and can be used for batch conversion. A command line version is available and better suited to batch or semi-automated operations. An API will also be made available (under separate license)
Related Searches: convert, text, PDFl, text to PDF, shareware, automatic, conversion
Recent Changes: Initial release
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: English, German, Italian, Spanish
Additional Requirements: Not Established