A-PDF Explorer is a simple, lightning-fast desktop utility program that lets you to easily manage, filter (using several metadata fields like: Filename, file size, file date, Title, Subject, Author, Creator, Producer, Creation Date, Modification Date) and batch processing (add security, set initial view, extract text and image etc?) your large archive of PDF files.
If you need to process a large batch, or collection, of PDF files at once, then you will also find appropriate tools. For example, if you would like to apply standard security settings to a large number of existing PDF documents or search\filter using PDF properties at once, then you could achieve this by using A-PDF Explorer.
Typical usage scenarios
Many users who make extensive use of computers or electronic devices for work and leisure activities will no doubt have accumulated a large number of PDF (portable document format) files. These are also known as "Acrobat" files because of the huge popularity of the free Acrobat Reader released by Adobe.
Management of PDF files can become a problem when a collection of PDF files reaches hundreds or even thousands of documents. Very often the filename is completely uninformative and the files themselves may be scattered across many folders or disks.
In a situation like this, it is very difficult to find a specific document which may have been read a while ago. A-PDF Explorer was designed as a solution to many of the problems just mentioned. The program has been designed to allow for easy management and viewing of PDF files. The search\filter tools allow for easy access to information at a later time.
Related Searches: PDF Filename, file size, file date, Title, Subject, Author, Creator, Producer, Creation Date, Modification Date, PDF manage, PDF index, PDF search\filter, PDF batch process
Recent Changes: Add favorite
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: English
Additional Requirements: Pentium or similar processor, 64MB RAM