Welcome to fancy pants adventures. Fancy Pants Adventures is a sidescrolling platformer, like a cross between Sonic and Mario. This game is the first in the Fancy Pants series, and has been given the name World 1. Check back often for the release of the sequel(s)!
Use the left and right arrow keys to move, press the 'S' key to jump, and the down arrow to crouch. The up arrow is used to open doors. To go into a roll, either hold the down arrow on a steep slope, or hold it while mid air to land in a roll.
Related Searches: Softendo Mario Games, Super Mario, Mario Bros, Mario Online, Online Mario, Mario 2, Mario 3, Mario Forever, Best Mario, Free Mario, Mario Kart, New Mario, Old Mario, Marioland, Mario Game, Buziol Games, Softendo.com, mario games online, mario flash
Recent Changes: + News Platform enviroment.
+ Mario jumping is longer
+ Added Super Mario logo to title.
+ Softendo Mario Games link added after playing.
+ Online Mario score selector for everyone.
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: English
Additional Requirements: Explorer to download from Softendo.com Mario Game