SQLite Code Factory is a premier SQLite GUI tool aimed at the SQL queries and scripts development.
Key features include:
Visual Query Builder;
handy SQL editor with code folding and syntax highlighting, simultaneous executing of several queries with multi-threading;
data management features as viewing, editing, grouping, sorting and filtering to analyze the queries data in the most convenient way;
data export/import to/from the most popular formats including Excel, HTML, XML, and more;
powerful BLOB Viewer and Editor.
Related Searches: SQLite, query, SQL, visual query builder, code completion, front, GUI, admin, client, tool, database, management, server, administration, administrator, development, editor, security, script, codefolding
Recent Changes: Version 13.9 comes with keyboard interactive SSH authentication, updated Script Runner, redesigned start page, improved SQL editors and data grids, as well as with many other useful things.
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: English, French, German, Italian, Spanish
Additional Requirements: P-166/64MB RAM/10MB HDD/SVGA