3DM Import for SpaceClaim is a Rhinoceros (.3dm) file import add-in for SpaceClaim. This add-in gives SpaceClaim the ability to import polygon mesh data from Rhinoceros/OpenNURBS 3DM files.
SpaceClaim already has the ability to import 3DM files. However the 3DM import feature ignores polygon mesh objects in a 3DM file. 3DM Import for SpaceClaim removes this limitation by reading polygon mesh data stored in 3DM files and importing it into SpaceClaim. A polygon mesh in a 3DM file is comprised of a set of triangular or quad faces. 3DM Import for SpaceClaim creates trimmed planar surfaces for each face and knits them together to create a solid. The solid is then cleaned up so that adjacent coplanar faces are merged in single trimmed planar faces. If the polygon mesh is closed (i.e. it does not contain boundary edges) then 3DM Import for SpaceClaim will create a closed solid feature, otherwise an open surface will be created.
3DM Import ../css/__it_automatically_loads_itself_into_SpaceClaim_and_adds_a_new_ribbon_bar_to_SpaceClaim_called__quot_n2wnyj4y0eeeietg4etqxp.css;SYCODE" containing the newly added commands.
The new commands are:
Import - Imports a 3DM file
Help - Displays the 3DM Import for SpaceClaim help file
Register - Displays the 3DM Import for SpaceClaim product registration dialog box
About - Displays the 3DS Import for SpaceClaim about box
The 3DM File Format
The 3DM (3D Model) file format is the native file format of Rhinoceros, the NURBS modeling software from Robert McNeel & Associates. The OpenNURBS Initiative was founded by Robert McNeel & Associates in January 2000, with the sole purpose of providing CAD, CAM, CAE and computer graphics software users reliable methods for transferring 3D geometry between applications via the 3DM file format. TerrainCAD, our terrain generation, editing and modeling software, also uses the 3DM file format as its native file format.
Related Searches: 3DM Import for SpaceClaim, 3D studio, import, spaceclaim, space claim, 3dm import, import 3dm, save as 3dm, save 3dm, write 3dm, file, 3DM file, import AutoCAD, save AutoCAD, part, assembly, SpaceClaim part, SpaceClaim part, Solid SpaceClaim Assembly
Recent Changes: Not Established
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: English
Additional Requirements: SpaceClaim 2008 and above