3DS Import for Bricscad is a 3D Studio® 3DS file import plug-in for Bricscad®. This plug-in gives Bricscad the ability to import meshes in a 3D Studio 3DS file.
3DS Import for Bricscad reads polygon mesh data stored in 3DS files and imports it into Bricscad. A object in a 3DS file is comprised of a set of triangular faces. 3DS Import for Bricscad creates a polyface mesh for each object and adds it to the active drawing.
3DS Import ../css/document_which_can_be_found_in_the_installation_folder._Once_loaded_it_adds_new_commands_to_Bricscad_iahxo4fyhriof5fe2b3gg4.css's existing commands and a new submenu called &../35046/quot.css;3DSImport&../35046/quot.css; to the Bricscad menu containing these newly added commands..
The '3DSImport' submenu consists of the following commands:
3DSImport - Imports a 3DS file
3DSImportHelp - Displays the 3DS import for Bricscad help file
3DSImportRegister - Registers your copy of 3DS import for Bricscad
3DSImportAbout - Displays the 3DS import for Bricscad About box
The 3DS File Format
The 3DS file format is the native file format of 3D Studio. 3D Studio has now been replaced by 3ds Max whose native file format has a .max file extension. However, 3ds Max is still able to read and write .3ds files. 3ds Max is one of the most widely-used off the shelf 3D animation programs. It has strong modeling capabilities, a flexible plug-in architecture and a long heritage on the Microsoft Windows platform. It is mostly used by video game developers, TV commercial studios and architectural visualization studios. It is also used for movie effects and movie pre-visualization.
Related Searches: 3DS Import ../35046/for_Bricscad_/a____a_href_.css"../list_string_3ds_match_Exact_search_Keywords.html">3ds, .3ds, import, bricscad, 3ds import, import 3ds, open 3ds, read 3ds, translate 3ds, file, 3ds file, import ../35046/3D_Studio_/a____a_href_.css"http://www.freshdevices.com/list.php?string=open+../35046/3D_Studio_amp.css;match=Exact&search=Keywords">open ../35046/3D_Studio_/a____a_href_.css"http://www.freshdevices.com/list.php?string=import+../35046/3ds_max_amp.css;match=Exact&search=Keywords">import 3ds max, open 3ds max, 3ds max, part, assembly, component
Recent Changes: Not Established
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: English
Additional Requirements: Bricscad 8 and above