Mesh Converter is a software to convert between various mesh file formats. Mesh Converter also has a batch conversion tool which can be used to convert multiple mesh files at once. The supported file mesh file formats are:
3D Studio 3DS
Rhinoceros 3DM
Stereolithography STL
Wavefront OBJ
Vizualization Toolkit VTK
Mesh Converter also has support for command line parameters, making it an extremely powerful tool to automate mesh file conversion from another application. From your program call Mesh Converter by supplying input file name and output file name as command line parameters and the software will convert the file silently in the background without showing itself. Using this feature you can integrate Mesh Converter into your work flow.
Mesh Converter is designed to be extremely user friendly and easy to understand. The tutorials can help you get started in the shortest possible time.
The Mesh Converter software consists of the following features:
Application Window - Mesh Converter dialog box application
Batch Conversion - Displays the "Batch Conversion" dialog box
Options - Displays the "Options" dialog box.
Register - Registers your copy for Mesh Converter.
Help - Displays the Mesh Converter help file.
About - Displays information about Mesh Converter.
Mesh Converter comes with detailed documentation for each application as well as a tutorial to get you started in the shortest possible time.
Related Searches: Mesh Converter, convert various mesh file formats, AutoCAD DWG, AutoCAD DXF, 3DS, .3ds, Rhino 3DM, .3dm, STL, .stl, OBJ, .obj, VTK, .vtk
Recent Changes: Not Established
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: English
Additional Requirements: Standalone software