CalibrationAider helps realize the full potential of your CRT or LCD computer monitor. Use CalibrationAider to create a consistant, reproduceable viewing environment with an optimal viewing angle, screen resolution, and maximized range of colors. CalibrationAider displays built-in test-patterns and allows you to import your own images. CalibrationAider includes a complete user guide and tutorial that describes how to use test-patterns to calibrate your LCD or CRT monitor and introduces concepts important to digital image processing and color management in general. CalibrationAider is ideal for digital photographers who need to set up a color-managed workflow, or home users who want to display digital photos to best effect. It may also be useful to carry a copy on CalibrationAider on a USB Flashdrive so it is at hand to test that expensive new LCD Monitor before purchase!
Related Searches: test pattern, test card, gamma, white balance, color temperature, color bars, grayscale, RGB, CMY, calibration, monitor calibration, LCD, CRT, plasma screen, contrast, brightness, graphics, images, digital photography, video, television, utility, tool, home theater
Recent Changes: Includes an online tutorial delivering the latest updated calibration information.
Install Support: No Install Support
Supported Languages: English
Additional Requirements: Java Runtime Environment (1.4.2 or newer). Get Java for free at www.java.com.